Empowering Girls On the International Day of The Girl Child and Beyond

October 11, 2017, Washington DC: According to UNICEF, every 10 minutes, somewhere in the world, an adolescent girl dies as a result of violence. This is an abject violation of human rights. It is time to usher in a world where girls are free from all forms of violence. This year, the International Day of the Girl (11 October) focuses on the theme, “EmPOWER girls: Before, during and after conflict“. The impact of conflicts on girls’ reproductive and sexual health can never be underestimated. Their psychological, reproductive and overall well-being is severely compromised during times of conflict. No community or country can progress unless girls get a chance to realize their agency and fulfil their true potential. The International Association for Human Values (IAHV) strives to work towards a world where every girl, everywhere, has a chance to lead a life free from oppression and violence.


Over the years, IAHV has been working in challenging contexts such as Iraq and Sinjar to help girls and women lead lives as they truly deserve – free from violence and conflict. Our on-the-ground efforts have aided the rescue of girls from the Yazidi community. They were offered safe spaces and supportive interventions to help overcome the trauma that they have experienced. Psycho-social support in times of conflict is a critical component to response and protection needs for those who have experienced violence.  Despite these negative outcomes, women have acted as peace mediators in families and societies for generations and have proved instrumental in conflict prevention. Their roles as empowered allies of change and peace must be recognized. From prevention, protection to rehabilitation and empowerment IAHV works towards offering holistic solutions for girls caught in conflict.


The rights of girls are fundamental to progress. Human values must not be compromised. As long as girls are confronted with violence, the UN Sustainable Development Goals will remain a moving target.  IAHV stands with all organizations committed to usher in a world that is free from conflict for girls regardless of where they live.



For more information, contact:

Priyanka Ghosh
Communications Officer



The International Association for Human Values (IAHV) offers programs to reduce stress and develop leaders so that human values can flourish in people and communities.

IAHV Stands Committed To Global Goals at UNGA72

New York, September 26, 2017

The International Association For Human Values (IAHV) participated actively in critical conversations at the UNGA72 in New York this week. The main thrust for discussions focused around the need to foster and sustain a culture of sustainable peace.

One of the key areas of discussion included ways to strengthen IAHV’s work with girls and women from the Yazidi communities. The other area of focus included IAHV’s intervention with extremist groups to offer tools and techniques to enable them to choose the path of peace over violence.

“This was a critical week in the global development calendar. We got a chance to explore ways to collaborate, discuss and develop a roadmap for the future. Our work reaches the most vulnerable and marginalized. Our initiatives are strategically aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The global direction is set. IAHV stands ready to contribute towards the realization of the SDGs,” said Filiz Odabas-Geldiay, Executive Director, IAHV.

IAHV reached out to a range of key stakeholders – political leaders, dignitaries, UN officials, ambassadors, members of civil society organizations and others to forge next steps.  The health and rights of the world’s most vulnerable must be protected. The path of peace must prevail in order to realize the potential of the SDGs.



For more information, contact:

Priyanka Ghosh
Communications Officer




The International Association for Human Values (IAHV) offers programs to reduce stress and develop leaders so that human values can flourish in people and communities.

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